Monday, March 9, 2015

Here I to bragging about Google Doc and to tell you the truth, I do not have much to brag about, Although I did create a Google doc and also instapaper and RSS Reader like account. I must admit I did not have fun doing this, I had a very hard time trying to imbed and download videos and post my comments and still hoping that I did it correct, Well I guess I will find out really soon. I added students, created portfolios, and posted a  project, I think I done it all. How well? I do not know.

So I am now closing down for the night. I will try it again tomorrow night, I am hoping I can finish up by the end of spring break. However, getting finish is not my biggest concern my biggest concern is getting it done correctly,

I have been doing very well so far but this last technology course is trying to beat me out. If there is anyone else out there that is having trouble please post a comment on my blog page. I am signing off now.

Your Truly,
The Mad Mad Scientist

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